Tailgate Extravaganza Scholarship Fundraiser Event

Delta Psi Boule' Athens, GA

Delta Psi Boulé

Athens, GA

Strengthening our future
while honoring our past!

Archon Roswelll Lawrence Jr. Receives Piedmont University Alumni Pacesetter Award.

Archon Roswell Lawrence Jr. was recently awarded the 2023 Piedmont University Alumni Pacesetter Award.  This award recognizes a graduate who has demonstrated ideals that exemplify the Piedmont University tradition of service, vision, and community activism. It is awarded to a graduate who has demonstrated leadership or achievement in their career and actively contributes to public and/or community service. Archon Lawrence earned his Master of Business Administration from Piedmont University in 2009.

In receiving the Pacesetter Award Archon Lawrence remarked that “Higher ed is still the answer. It has always been the answer”.

He also shared that  “We need to make sure that the system overall can offer high-quality educational experiences — and we can. We can’t do it thinking the same way we’ve always thought. We’re supposed to be the innovative units. We’re supposed to be those places where we’re pushing the limits and, therefore, coming up with new ideas and new things. That’s not just in the classroom. That’s in the administration building, too. I firmly believe that.”


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