Tailgate Extravaganza Scholarship Fundraiser Event

Delta Psi Boule' Athens, GA

Delta Psi Boulé

Athens, GA

Strengthening our future
while honoring our past!

Archon Matthew McRae

On April 30, 2023, Archon Matthew McRae of the Delta Psi Boule in Athens, GA was honored as one of the first African Americans to graduate from the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University in Augusta, GA. Archon McRae’s accomplishment was recognized during a ceremony at the college where a portrait of the trailblazing dentist was unveiled. Archon McRae, along with his classmate Dr. James L. Orrington, made history when they became the first African Americans to graduate from the school’s dental program in 1973. Upon graduation, Archon McRae relocated to Athens, GA where he founded McRae Family Dental. Since then, his dental practice has expanded to three locations in Athens, and in 2023 he celebrated over 50 years of dental service in northeast Georgia. On each Martin Luther King Day, McRae Family Dental provides free dental service to assist local citizens in need of dental care. Archon McRae was joined at the dedication ceremony at Augusta University by his wife, Archousai Barbara McRae, their four children (including Archon Matthew McRae III), and their twelve grandchildren.

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